Monday, January 19, 2009


We missed having spinal taps so much so we just had to come back to the hospital one last time just to get one in!!!!

In like a lion out like a lamb? Is that March or a cancer protocol? It should have been lamb-like as the chemotherapy protocol lessened dramatically but we got a lion, a rather ferocious lion. Lydia ended up with a high fever including hallucinations. Boy was that fun!! Really a mother's dream come true. She should be well versed in highs and lows long before her time experimenting with street drugs. She has run the gamut with the backing of the good ole' AMA. The cocktail soup they recommend could make anyone delusional.

With a fever of 103, head and neck pain of course they all jumped to meningitis. So, tests, cultures and antibiotics were ordered. They actually wanted to tap her without anesthesia in the middle of the night. I had to fight them all back. It got a little dicey here. But, I wouldn't back down. All the tests came back negative. I knew they would.

Dare I say we are done with chemo for now and out the hospital door? I never want to see another light blue wall.

So can we just get on to the happy healthy part of life we remember that it can offer?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thank you

Lydia is now happily running on a treadmill.
Thank you all for your willing generosity.

call for help

I am asking all of you out there: Does anyone or anyone you know have a treadmill that Lydia could borrow for the next few months. We can transport it. She needs help getting reconditioned. We will go to a gym but home would be easiest. She has a goal of playing a team sport again this spring.

Also, here's another and a rather BIG ONE...Does anyone know someone living in Houston, Texas that could possibly put Lydia and I up for 2 weeks? There is a clinic there we are very interested in and may head there soon. If so, would you inquire as to whether they would tolerate guests for a time.

We have yet to determine when/if we would head to Houston but it could be in the next few weeks. It may in fact depend on another fund raiser we are cooking up. One of a very different sort. We are looking at hosting a new and very popular rock band out here in these parts. We will keep you posted. This fund raiser is not directed at my community, per se. YOU all have given so generously. This would interest the high school/college population.

Sound the drum....Next Monday starts our last chemotherapy. Welcome the return of HAIR, yes beautiful HAIR and eye brows and eye lashes.

Lydia used to complain about her very thick, unruly and unmanageable hair. She has learned a thing or two about that through all she has been through. Although, that may be the least of her lessons. And we all have learned that her hair is not in fact her best physical feature. It is definitely her smile!! It is far more visible without her massive head of hair drawing so much attention. When she had hair, everyone when first introduced would invariably comment on her beautiful hair followed by her tangible self possession. Nonetheless, her hair WAS big.

And, will one day be again.

Anyway, enough of that. Health first. Beauty is now an afterthought, 13 or not.

Love to all this very New Year. May it truly be new for Lydia. Because WE LOVE LYDIA.

Nora edit