Thursday, October 16, 2008


Thursday, 10/16/08, 7:57 AM

NEWS from Nora

Lydia had a PET scan on Monday. We were holding our breaths for a No Evidence of Disease (NED, our new best friend that we have yet to meet) result but that is not for today. However do not despair, there HAS been a decrease. I know we will get there. It is just a question of when. We all just want it gone! This result has no reflection on the ultimate outcome. We are just in a hurry. It really is a process and the result we are after could come at any time.

We met with the radiation doctor. We liked him very much. He was a sharp dresser, purple shirt and tie, and he had a comforting manner. Unlike Grewal, one of the Oncologists who carelessly/stupidly mentions something like cracking open Lydia's chest. Grewal makes Lydia think she is about to die at any moment (too Serious).Talk about bed side manner! The other Onco Docs we LOVE. There are three. Go Matt and Joanna!

So, on we go with all they can offer to get every last misplaced, misbehaving , DNA altered cell.

We start another round of chemotherapy on Monday. It includes the heavy hitter Methotrexate and a spinal tap. That should be the end of those two things!! Hurray!! They have been the worst.

We have a new WE LOVE LYDIA blog. It is an open blog for those who don't want to bother to jump through the lotsfohelpinghands membership hoops or who have missed the GRAND invitation. It's purpose is to help inform folks that are interested in learning more about Lydia in reference to the upcoming fundraiser. It will enable us to reach a larger community. Thank you Steve Howland.

The fund raiser is set for November 22nd from 6pm-midnight at Stone Soup Concrete 221 Pine Street Florence @ the A & I building. It will include food, music, cash bar. auction and raffle items. There will be a proper invitation coming your way soon.

Thank you Nancy and Scott, Randy Zucco, Gretchen Jennings, Mike Paulsen and Jessica Lapinsky. And oh so many others of you behind the scenes. Like the 30lb lasagna carrying couple, Emily and Michael. And especially Kate Richardson who treated me to a great escape weekend. During which I got to see Adam and Carolyn Hawthorne covered from head to toe with MUD. That and Aidan's juggling brought some levity to my great and heavy heart. As did all the support from Earthspirit community. Thank you.

Kate also delivered to Lydia and to all of us...... 900 cranes. They are amazing and lovely. Don't forget to ask to see them when visiting..... home stretch for the inevitable 1000.

Thanks guys.

Love to all.

Nora edit

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hello Nora! Received the invitation today and will be there. Very happy to be informed of the blog. I've been thinking so much of all of you. Will be pleased to be able to check in with Lydia's continued healing. Love and hugs to you all.